Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, May 01, 2006

A Passion For Truth Part 4

Heard that more people are thinking of leaving BEC.

Come on now. What's new? More adults would have already left if not for their commitments to BEC. And the youths.. how many do you think would remain there on their own accord if their parents weren't serving as leaders?

Leaving is not an easy decision for us "leavers" to make. Not when we're already so accustomed to the people, the environment, the practices in BEC. Why would we want to leave and start all over in a totally new environment when we're already so accustomed to BEC, if there's nothing seriously wrong with it? Has anybody considered that?

The whole rationale behind leaving is because certain things have been rotting for a prolonged period of time and yet people have allowed them to CONTINUE rotting. Being able to spot and correct your mistakes is wise; being ignorant and refusing to address your shortcomings is foolish.

Therefore I don't give two hoots about how people might think about us "leavers". They are entitled to their own views. If they want to maintain that good teachings can be brought across in an inappropriate and tactless manner, so be it. But I definitely beg to differ. I think it's one of the main reasons behind many leaving, and many wanting to leave.

May I impress on you that loyalty does not constitute BLIND loyalty. You cannot remain loyal to your business partner if he absconds with the company funds, or to your favourite employee after he's committed some blatant mistakes repeatedly, for example. I know we're taught to obey and admonish our leaders, and I'm not drawing comparisons here, but if Hitler was our leader, should we or should we not remain loyal?

I think your guess is as good as mine. I salute everyone who decided to leave. They are brave people. Go ahead and have a mind of your own. Don't just follow blindly. :)


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