Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, August 07, 2006

76 Points About Me

Personal Information

1. Full name: Darren Lau

2. Sex: Male

3. Birthday: 4 December 1981

4. Sign: Saggitarius

5. Address: Not giving anything away :)

6. Height: 175 cm

7. Righty or lefty?: Righty

8. Eyes: Black

9. Hair: Black

10. Siblings: Yup, my mum's daughter

Personal Questions

11. What do you want in a relationship most?
Sincerity & Commitment

12. Have you ever cheated on someone?
Am I that pathetic?

13. Martial status?

14. Do you have a car?
I will have one if you buy one for me

15. What kinda car do you have/want?

16. Favourite Movie?
Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, Titanic, Armageddon, Saving Private Ryan, The Last Samurai

17. Favourite Song?

18. Favourite TV Show?

19. Favourite Actor/Actress?

20. Favourite Singer?

21. Favourite Food?
A dish called "spoilt for choice"

22. Favourite Number?
1, 4, 5 & 7

23. Favourite Cartoon?
I think I'm too old for that

24. Favourite Disney Character?
I believe I just answered this a moment ago

25. Favourite Colour?
Bright colours

26. Do you plan on having children?

27. Do you want to get married?
Who doesn't?

28. How old do u wanna be when you have your first child?
As old as it takes

29. How old do u wanna be when your married?
Now you're REALLY getting on my nerves!!

30. Would you have kids before marriage?
Would you swallow shit? If not, then...

Either-Or Questions

31. Music/TV: Music

32. Guys/Girls: No preference

33. Green/Blue: Blue

34. Pink/Purple: Purple

35. Summer/Winter: Winter.. I love everything cold

36. Night/Day: Night

37. Hangin Out/Chillin: Chillin

38. Love or lust: Love

39. Silver or gold: Silver

40. Diamond or pearl: Diamond

41. Sunset or sunrise: Sunsets are beautiful..


42. Weird saying I have?
"Meryl is an argilalutz pongchiparangpang"

43. What skool do u go to?
You mean DID? St. Andrews Primary, St. Andrew's Secondary & Ngee Ann Polytechnic

44. Have you ever taken drugs?
Only when my doctor gives them to me

45. The best people I know?
My paternal grandmother and mother

46. The funniest people I know?
My friends?

47. The happiest people I know?
You can never quite tell

48. The strangest people I know?
YOU, for asking so many weird questions

49. The tallest people I know?
Xia & Siong

50. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf?
I said I treasured sincerity

51. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about?
My grandma's death

52. What's something about girls you don't get?
Mood swings.. worse than the weather

53. Are you happy?
Why should I not be?

54. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping (to swim in the nude)?
Onlookers would faint if I did

55. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
My bolster?

56. Do you have any piercing?
Not interested

57. What colour underpants are you wearing?
Are you really that desperate?

58. What song are you listening to right now?
Ain't listening to anything

59. What are the last four digits of your phone number?

60. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?
New Zealand or Canada!!!

61. What's your favourite sport?
Swimming, soccer, badminton, bowling & pool

62. What makes you happy?

63. Do u wear contacts or glasses?
I'm a 6/6 lah!!

64. What's the best advice given to you?
"Go and jog", but I just don't do it

65. Have you ever won any special awards?
Those chapalang study awards lor...

66. Worst sickness u ever had?
Bird flu & SARS.. haha.. no lar..

67. Do you like funny or scary movies better?
Scary movies

68. What song seems to reflect you the most?

69. If you die tmr who would you leave everything to?
My mum

70. What is your greatest fear?
a) The passing on of loved ones
b) Flying insects.. they are disgusting

71. Would you rather be rich or famous?
Rich.. who cares about being famous.. I rather live a quiet, peaceful life with lots of money to spend so I can do all the things I've always wanted to do

72. What time is it in Albania now?
Somewhere between 0000hrs to 2359hrs

73. Have u met santa?
Ya everytime I look in the mirror I see one

74. Have E.T. knocked on your door holding up a peace sign asking to use your phone?

75. Do u have any pets?
A siberian husky

76. Are you an alcoholic?


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