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Manpower Ministry, EDC to promote longer work cycle
source: Anjana Menon, CNA
edited by: loosefuse
SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Manpower and Enterprise Development Centre have signed an agreement to promote the WLWF, which is otherwise known as the Whole Life Work Fund.
The fund is set up by the Ministry to push companies who will in turn, have to push their workers to work harder for the rest of their lives. Under the scheme, companies who are able to "push" their workers to work beyond the age of 85 will be awarded $30,000 each.
They hope to attract the 130,000 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to tap into the $10 million fund that is being set aside for this project.
However, most companies are yet to be convinced of the investment.
Mr Say Onn Lee, the managing director of a local company, said: "Say is one thing. Whether they will give when the time comes for them to put their money where their mouths are, is another thing altogether. Besides, since peanuts cost $600,000 are they trying to say we are not even worth peanuts?"
Spokesmen from other companies also complained that $30,000 was not even enough to organize a decent function, for example, Annual Dinner and Dance, let alone "push" people to work beyond the age of 85.
The Whole Life Work Fund was set up in August last year. Since then, only 32 businesses have managed to draw from it, or rather, have been able to "push" effectively.
But the Ministry refuses to be discouraged by the poor awareness of the fund amongst the SMEs.
Mr Werk Morlah, Permanent Secretary of Manpower Ministry, said: "We do not see why people should stop working at the age of 55. My grandmother did household chores till the day she died. Household chores and work, about the same what!"
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