Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Passion For Truth Part 6

Oh yes, I have new stuff. Hail you independent thinkers.

Heard that he once chided some parents for not going on Wednesday because their child was ill. According to him, because the child was ill, all the more the parents should have turned up to pray for him/her.

Oh. I feel enlightened.

Parents, next time your child is ill, you should just go on Wednesdays anyway.
If your child is warded in hospital, then you should really go.
And if your child is critically ill, then you better go. Fast.

*roll eyes*

He is an unmarried man. So he expects you to see things from the unmarried man's angle. Unfortunately, not everyone in BEC is unmarried and not everyone in BEC has no family commitments. It easy to talk when you're single, but when you're married it's a different thing altogether.

He should really learn how to see things from the married man's angle. But he has found that quite difficult so far, hasn't he? He doesn't quite care if you have family commitments or work commitments. He just wants you to turn up. Period. If you do not turn up, then you will be accused of being lacking in faith, or not praying hard enough. You know, the usual stuff.

Afterall, he thinks he's always right because he's probably older, richer, more experienced and more successful than you are.

And before I forget, please do not say 'No' when he requests that you do something, like writing your daily reflections for example. Please spare yourself from the very agonizing and highly antagonizing post-rejection lecture. You do not deserve that for practising your freedom of choice.

Saying 'Yes' does not help either. Because then he expects you to deliver what you had promised. Performing the task surely hasn't been part of your contemplation. You just agreed because you were pressurized into doing so.

But hell no, he doesn't see it that way. He doesn't see that he had pressurized you into agreeing to something against your wishes. To him, when you do not deliver something you had "promised", (note the inverted commas in bold) you are not a man / woman of your words.

And since saying 'No' doesn't help and saying 'Yes' doesn't help either, remaining silent and ignoring him would be the most effective method. You know, it's just like the way you brush off those old wives' tale when you hear about 'em.

Einstein once said, blind belief in authority is the single greatest enemy of truth.

Remember that. Analyse things yourself and think independently. The fault doesn't neccessarily lie with the "leavers", as much as he may hint at that.

This case of chiding the parents for not turning up because their child was ill is another classic example of why many left and why many others continue to think about leaving.

If the parents had left because they were pissed with what he said, is it their fault? Or should we, on the other hand, attribute it to a total tactlessness, self-righteousness and inflexibility on his part?

You decide.


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