Bloglogger Lair

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Passion For Truth Part 2

Please note, the "A Passion For Truth" series of posts are meant to be a sequel to the "Why Are They All Leaving?" series.

In the "Why Are They All Leaving" series, I gave my own views on why so many people left BEC. One reason is due to them not being able to get along with LH, and the other is due to tactless remarks passed by you-know-who.

If you wish to view those posts, you can do so by clicking on the "March 2006" link under the Archives section on my left sidebar.

In the preceding posts, I mentioned about Kelvin's case in making my point about you-know-who always being negative when he's supposed to be encouraging. Kelvin got a telling-off just because he didn't come for JY on Saturday due to work commitments. Yet Kelvin is a lot more regular compared to other youths, but he's taken for granted. No one who demanded his 100% commitment has ever praised him for being so regular, but miss one JY session and he's given an earful. They don't seem to see that Kelvin is hardworking in the sense that he chose to work during the holidays instead of slacking away at home. No, they just choose to be sore about Kelvin not turning up.

Today, I'm going to highlight another case of negativism in BEC. Thomas and Irene shared their feelings about you-know-what with me last year or so. I will not reveal the confidential parts of our conversation, but I can tell you that they were not happy about not being taken seriously during youth meetings. Why on earth one would want Thomas and Irene, or anyone else involved in meetings when one wants the final say in everything is totally beyond me.

Let me put it quite simply - since you wanna poke your nose into everything, you might as well do them all by yourself.

Besides, you-know-who would criticise Thomas publicly during sunday school as well, accusing him of not being as strong in faith as he should be, or not striving to fulfill God's Mission, and whatever. My goodness, does "teaching" require one to embarrass a fellow worker like that? He's always not contented with what others are doing anyway. Nothing's ever enough for him. Yet Thomas and Irene are faithfully running their own school in Batam today.

Even during Chinese New Year at you-know-who's home, Irene got a ticking off just because she asked for two oranges in exchange for the ones she gave as per Chinese customs. Okay maybe you think she should not have asked, but that's your opinion. I don't think there's a need to be so harsh. So, it's always good to speak the "truth" without ever needing to be tactful ya? No need for sugar coating, even if it means givin someone an earful which lands her in tears?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just more humane than you. I feel respect should be mutual, not an one way traffic from young to old. Maybe you think you're old, so you're great and the whole world should respect you. I don't know. But I'm thinking, so what?

And if you like and insist on being blunt, then don't start to whine when people leave because they are unhappy with your bluntness.

In addition, I have something to add in accordance with Rachel Tan's latest post. Leaving BEC does not mean we have been led astray, or worse, that we have gone to the "unholy side". Such comments are what I expect from kids who have no idea what it means to respect the decisions of others. BEC is NOT the only "holy side". And BEC is NOT the only church.

Leaving means we're going to somewhere that suits us better, and which is no less a church compared to BEC. Please don't be narrow minded.

Don't use words such as "betray" and "loyalty" or convince those who have wanted to leave a long time now to continue staying. They are fed up. Fed up of all this negativity, fed up of all this old fashioned mindset, fed up with the autocratic ways. I think loyalty and blind loyalty are two different things altogether. Please look at yourselves before you cry about others betraying you.

Lastly, thank you, but don't worry about how we will not have any chance to serve in mega churches, or pass indirect remarks about how you're so jealous about people flocking to mega churches when your beloved church is decreasing in numbers. You see, they are a lot more positive, encouraging and tactful compared to BEC. That for me, at least, is why I go there.


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