Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Times Of Jibberish

You know, my Mum came back on Sunday and told me someone had asked if I left BEC for a new church because "God called me to". I don't see the need to answer that question, seriously. Cause even if I say I did, they will say I must have mistook the voice. You know what I mean.

On a lighter note, I decided to compile some of your replies to my nonsensical jibberish SMSes. Yea, I keep them. Hahaha. All my friends know I do that quite often but I can assure you I only resort to such measures when I'm absolutely BORED.

I know it's lame and stuff, but when you're bored these replies can really get you laughing. You know, these very confused, blur replies to my incoherent messages.

So here we go.

Rachel Tan: Excuse me? -_-
Rachel Tan: I don't understand what are you trying to say.
Aunt Shirley: Does it make sense or just utter rubbish? But anyway it sounds nice after reading it out.
Uncle Denard: Huh?
Yong Qiang: Huh?
Emily: Wat you talking? Come my house?
Yong Cheng: ?
Nazryn: Aiyor. What the hell?
Fabian: .. What la?
Fabian: **** ***. You is it ORD already then f***ing free? Knn.. always send me this type of f***ing message?
Shao Xia: What the f*** you talking about lol..
Kenneth: -.-" What thing work?
Kenneth: Ni fa feng tian wang!
Sherlyn: Make what thing work..
Jason: You serious. Balls to you. You lost and sorry.. Lol.. That wont ever happen.
Jason: Balls to you lahz. Talking rubbish again.
Jocelyn: Huh? What thing? Did you send the sms to the wrong person?
Kelvin: Huh?? What talking you?? You sent to the wrong person izzit??
Mark: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and so on..



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