Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Why Are They All Leaving? Part 3

So turning up late for overseas trips, having someone pay for your air tickets and then playing hard to get when he tries to contact you later on to claim the sum he had paid earlier on your behalf is what you consider to be mature? Or even the act of taking countless numbers of MCs while working at Pastor's office. Is that what you would expect of any matured person? I'm not highlighting these things to condemn you, but to remind you to speak for yourselves.

And what's like so great about you hearing others passing loads of comments about me? I also heard others passing loads of comments about YOU.

I must remind you that respect is mutual, and that if somebody cannot respect the decisions of others then he himself should not expect, or deserve any respect in return. I don't know how you came to conclude that I discredited his name with my comments because all I have done is highlight the problem. Besides, if there's anyone who got his/her name discredited, I guess it must be those who had left because people were painting a false picture of them "mistaking the devil's voice for the Lord's voice" behind their backs. And that I feel is very unfair to them, since some left due to totally different reasons.

I agree he has good intentions even though he is harsh, and there are people who respond positively to this harshness. Unfortunately, one cannot apply a single method to meet every situation because the same method does not work for everyone. Harshness may work for some, but it may not work for others.

Therefore, if members start leaving because of his harshness and tactlessness, it can be no fault of theirs that he refuses to change his negative, rough-tough attitude. It is the inability to relate to them in an appropriate manner which has caused them to leave. Remember, good teachings made in the wrong manner may still have a negative impact.

I mentioned that we cannot accept his teachings. And so? What are you trying to prove? His ways are indeed old fashioned and they are not something youths would adhere to readily. And that's a fact.

And always see things from the "lower" point of view. He has incredibly high expectations of everyone but not everyone is spiritually matured enough to meet these expectations without a hiss or fuss. Should anyone fail to meet these high expectations occasionally, it is only normal. I don't believe they deserve an earful. No one owes him a living.

Lastly, please check the dictionary for the definition of slander before using it because I ain't slandering anybody here. All I have done is analyse the situation from an independent, honest point of view, and echoing the thoughts of some of the departing members as the basis for my arguments. Don't make any more of a fool out of yourself than you already are by accusing me of slander.


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