Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

SPL#1 - Beijing Trip (4-11Mar 06) Day 3

Time seems to fly when I’m enjoying myself. It’s my third day here already.

Don’t quite need to wake up too early today as the first event for the day was to meet Xia & his dad for lunch. I woke up at 8am nevertheless, took a bath and went downstairs for a buffet breakfast. And yes, of course, I recharged the batteries which went dead on me last night.

Xia met me at the hotel at 10.30am or so, and we drove to the hospital where his dad was working. Met his dad’s colleagues and acquaintances for the first time, discussed about how life in Singapore was different to life in Beijing and went for lunch together. For the first time in my life, I saw a cooked cow’s nose in front of me. Ewww.. I wondered how it must have tasted although I did not dare try.

Eeeeks.. How could anybody eat that?

After lunch, Xia drove me back to the hotel since he had a dental appointment. I wanted to not waste time and go for a haircut while waiting for Xia to be done with his dental appointment. However, the hotel’s hairstylist gave me the “35-cents face” and I decided maybe going for a haircut wasn’t the best idea afterall. So I went back to my hotel room and napped until 3pm or so when I was awakened by a phone call.

It was Xia. He had finished his dental checkup and was going to bring me to a Sim Lim type shopping complex - lots of hardware, software and games for sale at competitive prices. An original game can go for as cheap as SGD$10 here. I bought some DVDs, games and a Phillips headphone. It cost only SGD$40, but could easily cost SGD$100 in Singapore. Cheap stuff.

We went to some random nearby restaurant for dinner. Ordered 5 dishes, (yes you heard it right, 5 dishes for the 2 of us, lol!!) 3 of which were so absolutely fantastic I will never forget their names. Everything only cost less than a hundred yuan, which works out to be less than SGD$10 per pax. Cheap right!! Only disappointing part was the games I had bought, because some of them were not workable when I tested them out later on my laptop.

Stop staring! Refusing to eat doesn't mean you don't have to pay! :p


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