Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why Are They All Leaving?

"Mistaking the devil's voice for the Lord's voice", is a very feeble attempt to explain what has been actually going on in BEC for the past few months.

The above explanation for the moving on of many members is very misleading, and the neutral outsider might think the fault must lie with the people who left. The problem is the people who blame these "leavers" always think the problem must lie with the people who left. But they don't see sometimes it's what they do or say which eventually leads to people leaving.

I can conclude, after listening to accounts made by the leaders, the "leavers" and neutral outsiders, that some left because certain remarks passed by some of the leaders are so needless, tactless and hurtful. I don't wish to go into details, but I'm sure those who are involved know what I'm talking about.

Generally speaking, these people are very negative about things. They don't seem to see the positive side of things, and almost everything that comes forth from them is negative. They must find it hard to look at the good side of others or something. They have high expectations but are stingy in their encouragement.

Take for example what they said about Kelvin when he didn't come for JY on Saturday, because of work commitments. They thought Kelvin should have informed his employers about not being able to work on Saturdays just so he could turn up for JY. If Kelvin's employers were to terminate his contract on that basis, then "God must have a better place for him".

-_-" Like huh?

It's easy to talk when you're well-to-do, have nothing to worry about financially and are not accountable to your parents.

Kelvin can be considered a JY regular, apart from that occasional absence. Have the people who demanded his 100% attendance ever praised him for being a lot more regular compared to other youths? I doubt so. But miss one JY session due to work commitments and he's like so condemned. Hello people, none of us owe you our 100% attendance okay?

I know we rightfully ought to turn up on Sundays. But since when have JY programmes on Saturdays become a bondage as well? Can't people see that Kelvin is hardworking in the sense that he chose to work during the holidays instead of slacking away at home? They only choose to look at the "bad" side, if it's even bad in the first place. Such narrow mindedness, inflexibility and self righteousness!!

Therefore, having people leave when placed in such a negative environment when it's supposed to be positive and encouraging is only normal. I don't see anything more to it than meets the eye. The evidence has spoken out loud.


Blogger pearline L. said...

i disagree. ur post is so bias.

6:57 AM  
Blogger the one D said...

im just echoing the thoughts of people who had left.. its a FACT, not something to be biased about.

12:29 AM  

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