Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Friday, February 10, 2006

Grow Up You Sore Losers

I don't understand why some people need to pass sarcastic and unpleasant comments about others once they have lost a game to opponents who won it fair and square.

And it's not even as if trophies were at stake. It's just a computer game.

Called DotA.

I recall what some of my friends used to say about such people. Kenneth - I agree with you.

I see people who start to criticise and pass sarcastic comments about others, even their friends who won games through fair measures. Surely sensible friends will realize friendship is more than just a game won or lost.

Sadly however, there are always some people willing to pass unpleasant remarks about their friends when they have done no wrong. Well, beating your friends at a game surely ain't wrong. In games, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. You do not lose and then behave like an ass towards your friends.

Attitude problem? I certainly think so.

If you are so afraid of losing, and can get so sore about losing once you have lost, then I suggest that you quit playing games in the first place. Go drink more milk to grow up or something. That way, you won't need to lose anything.

Don't play, lose, become sore and then criticise everyone else when you're obviously the biggest ass around.


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