Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, March 13, 2006

SPL#1 - Beijing Trip (4-11Mar 06) Day 1

Made my way to Jing Cheng’s home at 7am. His father would be driving Xia and myself to the airport. Our flight was scheduled to depart at 9.30am but we had to go earlier to check in, buy some food to bring onboard, and so on. And then, off we were, on a 6-hour flight to China’s capital.

Xia having a hearty Mac breakfast before setting off

Thank God we decided to buy some food to bring onboard the plane, cause lunch served onboard was horrible. At least we had some alternatives to munch on. Anyway, we tried hard to entertain ourselves during the 6-hour long journey to Beijing. Watched Russell Peter’s Stand Up Comedy for the fourth time just to kill time. And yes, it was still very funny.

Xia’s parents met us at Beijing International Airport and then drove me to my hotel. And you know the rest - check in, get the room keys and stuff. Dinner was at the hotel’s restaurant. Xia had been educating me on the normal dining habits in Beijing so I wasn’t surprised to find seven dishes on the table that night although there were only four of us.

Look what's on the table tonight!!

More foooooooood....

The famous Beijing Roasted Duck.. Best eaten hot n crisp

After dinner, we drove to town to buy some DvDs that would keep me occupied during leisure time. And I didn’t hold back from buying, because they were so cheap, like 4 SG bucks each? While Xia and I were choosing the DvDs, his parents very generously went to buy some snacks and drinks for me. So I returned to my hotel room with three bagloads of fruits, goodies and munchies.

Why, did you think I was kidding?!


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