Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

SPL#1 - Beijing Trip (4-11Mar 06) Day 7&8


Erm the first thing on my mind today?

I have to go home tomorrow. Zzz… I mean, home isn’t bad but I wished I could take the weather back with me, at least!

The road to freedom?

I went to visit the Palace Museum, otherwise known as Gu Gong in Chinese in the morning. There were plenty of ancient artifacts on display. I don’t know how to describe them - you take a look for yourselves. I took quite a bit of photos here as well, and talking about photos, I saw people taking photos in emperor robes. LOL. Exactly what I experienced while visiting Summer Palace, only that the queue here was a lot longer. I’m glad I took the photos then man!

The Palace Museum

Ancient literature

Ancient wares

After exploring the museum until about 1pm, I realized that firstly, it was time for lunch and that secondly, I would have to walk out the way I came in from. There were no other exits. Walking is absolutely enjoyable in this weather, but I think I’d die if this was Singapore.

I wonder if it's still sharp.. Hmm..

So you wish you were an emperor... Does that really look comfortable to you??

I took a cab to meet Xia for lunch. We were going to have Ba Xi Kao Rou for lunch. That’s BBQ meat from Brazil, simply translated. And it was a fantastic lunch, a wide spread at a low cost. After lunch, I took a cab back to the hotel and Xia went to meet his father at the hospital. Don’t be mistaken when I say “after lunch”, because it was already almost 4 when I arrived at the hotel.

I took a short nap until about 6pm, when I was awakened by a call from Xia. His two friends, Hao Li and Du Ying have arrived at the hotel I was staying at. And so has he. We’re going to the KTV lounge tonight, and it’s gonna be a time of cost-free entertainment! Free because Xia’s father knows one of the big bosses working at the KTV.

Childhood friends (from left): Du Ying, Shao Xia & Hao Li

We sang until about 11pm and then went our separate ways. And the last thing on my mind before I went to bed? Gotta go home tomorrow!


Woke up at around 8am, checked out of the hotel at around 9am, then took a cab to Xia’s residence. Kept my luggage at his home and then went down to do some last minute shopping. Bought a lot of snacks. And DVDs.

Returned to Xia’s home thereafter to have lunch prepared by his mother. His mother is a damn good cook man, haha! Then I went downstairs to enjoy the cold breeze once more. I still had some time on my hands before I had to leave to the airport. Flight’s at 3.25pm. And guess what, it snowed!! How cool is that! This is the first time I’ve seen snow in my entire life. Lol.

A snowin' good time

Then it was time to leave. Xia’s father drove me to the airport. Like they say, the rest is history.


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