Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Passion For Truth

Disclaimer: This post requires the reader to be involved in a high level of thinking. If you do not possess this capability, do not even attempt to continue. Thank you for your kind attention.

In my previous post, I thanked all my leaders in BEC and everyone who have given me constructive feedback about my earlier series of posts entitled “Why Are They All Leaving?”. This time, I will be replying to a very select bunch of people who have made personal and non-constructive remarks about me. Not many such people though I must say, only maybe 2 or 3.

Notice I am not speaking to anybody in particular here. To decide whether I’m speaking to you, you would probably have to dig deep into your own conscience and examine what you may have said to me over the past week. LOL. These personal remarks I am about to make are directed at people who made personal, non-constructive remarks about what I had written in my posts over the past week. Yeah, this post is dedicated to YOU. Enjoy.

1. I’m not saying that I’m perfect. I am only human. I have my flaws as well. I guess the difference between us is that I dare to admit my flaws. Dare you?

2. I don’t believe that I need to be perfect to comment on others. Else the world will be void of movie critics, political commentators, feedback units, and everything that brings growth to the community, to service and quality standards. I have every right to express my views on the current issue in BEC even though I may not be perfect, as long as I’m not defaming anybody. Now let’s see what can you do about it.

3. Take note that Kelvin’s case, whereby he was given a lecture when he decided to work overtime on a Saturday at the expense of turning up at JY, is NOT an example of truth. That is, the lecture accorded him is not a lecture based on truth or facts, merely an expression of opinion that Kelvin should have attended JY at the expense of his job. Therefore, since it was merely an opinion, Kelvin is much less obliged to heed it, as he would a statement of truth. Kelvin didn’t deserve an earful because he had the right to choose whether to work or to attend JY. My gosh, do you really need the extra intelligence to distinguish between facts and opinions?

4. Pastor has the right to express his opinions. But just as he has the right to express his opinions, I also have the right to disagree with these opinions and give my fair opinion on why people are leaving BEC. People who left also have the right to leave if they are unhappy with the comments he made. This is the freedom of speech. You also have the right to agree or disagree with my opinions, just as long you do not resort to name-calling.

5. Those remarks I had made about BEC are based on my truthful, honest opinions. Nobody incited me to do what I did. I do not gain anything by lying about these things.


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