Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, April 24, 2006

My Adversary

My adversary - I will not forget. Neither will my adversary forget me. And now to my adversary I speak.

Don't think you can lash out at me whenever you're not in a good mood. I'm not your bloody pet or servant. If you need a low life to shout and yell at whenever someone else offended you, stand in front of the mirror and you will find one.

Don't play if you want to be such a sore player. Don't joke about my bitch if you cannot accept me doing the same to you.

What makes you think I shouldn't do something you do all the time? Double standards? Well, what do people like you know about a level playing field anyway...

And don't even start to attribute the failures of your pathetic love life to heaven, God, whatever. Your incompetence has won you your loneliness!


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