Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Friday, April 14, 2006

My Siberian Husky

Just bought a new puppy. A two month old siberian husky, to be exact.

I know many of you find it surprising that I would actually buy a puppy, because I wasn't very fond of dogs in the past. Well yes, I don't like the types that bark a lot, but siberian huskies are different! They howl and whine more than they bark, and they look more like wolves than dogs. Who needs dogs when you have wolves, haha!

She likes to sleep a lot, since she is still young. And she likes to lick the dust off the legs of my sofas and chairs. She also has a fetish for leaves. Herbivore husky. LOL.

And these are her favourite toys. To think what we children played with when we were young. I guess dogs must be easily contented beings.

First of all, contrary to the pictures, they do NOT have red corneas, please. LOL. Just a camera reflection issue, that's all.

Her previous owner named her Coco, but we havent decided what name to give her yet. She has a twin sister I didn't buy because buying the both of them would be too costly! I hope though, that the future owner of Coco's twin sister will agree to meeting up occasionally to allow the sisters to play together. Think it will be cruel and heartless to keep them apart forever. They are sisters afterall.

Sometimes Coco would stare blankly as if she was thinking of something. Maybe she's thinking of her previous owner and her sister, I don't know. I have asked the ex-owners to come and visit Coco anytime they liked, coz I'm sure they miss her too. I really hope they do. I don't want sad puppies or breeders. Everyone can still be together, alright!!


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