Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Busy Week

What a busy week! As you might have known already, I'm working at the Singapore Philatelic Museum. Well, let's see. We had the official opening of our permanent new galleries as well as the museum open house take place in the same week. Two big events in just over three days. And I was required to work overtime on Sunday because of the museum open house, in conjunction with the International Museum Day programmes.

That excludes all the media kits we had to prepare for the media for the official opening, the behind-the-scenes work, blah blah blah. So yes, I'm tired.

But anyway, here are some pictures of the official opening.

Singapore Philatelic Museum

Zooming in...

The crowd...

The cocktail reception...

The stage...

The words...

The Guest of Honour...

Who said you can't have a romantic time at museums?

Also realized that there are two types of Singaporeans after the museum open house.

One's polite, courteous and well mannered. When I greeted them, they smiled and responded in a cheerful manner. These people insisted their children say "thank you", even though the gifts for the fun quiz were small. What a pleasant experience it was, serving such customers!

Then there's the other type. Typical, kiasu, greedy, cheapskate. When you greet them, they look at you as if they've seen a ghost. These people take the free gifts only to return later for more. Fill in dozens of forms just to get more free gifts. And when they drew a prize they did not want, they kept bugging me to change the gifts for them. Hello, if everybody can choose, then it's not called a lucky draw already. This is not your great grandfather's museum. It's free and yet you want to be so choosy. Stupid idiots. Typical losers.


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