Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Those Were The Days

While the evening sun was disappearing into the horizon, there I was, dragging my feet home from school.

School, after dismissal, was filled with the noisy banter of students. While some discussed loudly about the latest fad, some ran as fast as their legs could fetch them to board the schoolbuses. But very soon, silence would fall upon the school compound as one by one, the students left for home. And so did I.

As I trugged along the path that led me home, bearing my heavy schoolbag, my mind wandered to think about all that had happened in school that day. All the fun, laughter, and the typical classroom disorder came to mind.

Then I thought about what awaited me when I got home. My parents, dinner, and then the dreaded homework. Then probably a few games on my console, before I sneaked to bed.

Now, more than ten years later, I cannot help but be reminded of those days when evening sets in. Through the tinted windows of the public bus, I see students walking home on the pavement and I think about the times of old under the vast orange sky.

How time flies! Looking back at the days when I was in school, it seemed just like yesterday. I wish I could relive those days and experience how it was to be naughty all over again.

Sometimes, the simplest things in life are the most tremendous. Like memories - they stay on after all has passed.

Memories, memories, how beautiful they are...


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