Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinese New Year '07

The last time I wrote, the 4 day break had finally arrived.

Today, the 4 day break is almost over. Time seems to fly by when you're enjoying yourself, doesn't it?

On Saturday night, I went to my paternal aunt's place with my family for reunion dinner, as we usually do every year. We enjoyed a steamboat dinner... no no no, let me correct myself. They enjoyed the steamboat dinner. Not me. Steamboat dinners are bland, tasteless and utterly revolting. Luckily for me, they made curry and other yummies too so I was not too turned off by the steamboat dinner. :p

After dinner, I met up with Jason and Sherlyn at East Coast's Coffee Bean. To say we went there to chill-out is an understatement. It was crazy. We spent what, some forty bucks on drinks and pastries? Heck, and when I got home, I realized it was already around 2am and that meant I had missed the live telecast of the FA cup matches! Nothing else up so off to bed!

Sunday 18 Feb 2007. First day of the first month in the lunar calendar. I woke up quite late today actually, at 11am or so. Made my way to my maternal grandmother's home. This was where I collected the majority of my ang pows. While there, my grandmother prepared food for everyone, the adults played mahjong, and a bunch of us watched the "Step Up" DVD my cousin had brought from home. Good movie I'd say. Will definitely appeal to dance fans.

After dinner, some of us decided to go visit my 3rd aunt's new home, which is kinda far away from where we live. Hadn't had the opportunity to visit her new 6 room flat before today. My aunt bought it at quite a steal I thought, at around $330k. A 4 room flat in the prime areas easily cost that much these days, so what a deal for a 6 room flat!

Then, just like a rush of blood to the head, my cousins decided that they wanted to catch a midnight movie. I wasn't too confident about being able to get tickets though, on a night where you'd expect many people to hang out late because they didn't have to work the following day. Fortunately, however, one of my cousins had a credit card and we therefore were able to pre-book the tickets online.

The movie we decided to catch was Protege, a Hongkong film about heroin. Heroin abusers, heroin traffickers, heroin whatever. And it was so-so. My cousin drove me back to my maternal grandmother's home after the movie, and I spent the night over there.

The next day was the 2nd day of CNY. Despite being extremely tired, I managed a fitful sleep at best and woke up around 9am. Went to MacDonald's for breakfast with some relatives. When we got back, we played cards until late evening. After dinner, it was time to go home. 2 days had passed just like that - so quickly, so swiftly.

Today, I'll be going for a BEC gathering at John's home. After which, I'll be visiting my paternal relatives. A long day ahead, if you ask me!


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