Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

When The Numb Takes Over

I feel numb. I feel like I have no life.

Had to work throughout the 3 day Christmas break because the number of orders that was coming through was incredible.

Plus, I have been working past midnight in these last few days of the quarter.

Sad case? Yeah, tell me about it.

But yesterday was different. I left office at 4pm yesterday because I couldn't do any work. The massive earthquake that occurred in Taiwan on Tuesday had damaged many vital cable lines, causing our office's Internet connection to be down for the better part of the day.

Which has led me to wonder why the 26th of December is so cursed something "bad" always happens on that day. We've had the two big tsunamis which both occurred on the 26th of December, albeit different years. Then this year we have the massive earthquake in Taiwan. Okay, that's besides the fact the massive earthquake turned out to be a blessing in disguise for us.

Anyhow, I have to be in office by 6am tomorrow morning to make up for lost time. So seeya, I'll need to catch up on some sleep for now.


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