Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Work. Life. Play.

Gosh. I haven't been able to update my blog recently due to work commitments. Well I'm back, now that the quarter end has passed.

Not only has the quarter end passed - I have a great week to look forward to as well. I won't have to work on Monday as our deparment is having an off-in-lieu for Hari Raya, which falls on a Saturday. Then, on Friday, I'll be away for an off-site event. So it's gonna be a short and lovely 3 day work week.

However, the past week / this week also marks the last week at Symantec for a couple of my colleagues whom I have been working with. I think they have been a pleasure to work with and I wish them all the best in their future undertakings.

I'm starting to sound formal, that's terrible. On another note, a few folks' been asking me if I had gone back to BEC recently. My answer is No.

I've heard the "Oh they don't want to come back because they despise us for being small" rumours. So I'd better make it clear that I refrain from going back not because I despise the small numbers. And although I have not gone back for some time, I still do keep in contact with many folks there.

The ONLY reason I do not want to go back? I hate oppression and therefore will not like or enjoy committing my time to an unreasonable dictator.


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