Bloglogger Lair

Me. My thoughts. And they won't kill.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Foiled Bomb Plot

British authorities said 24 people were arrested in raids on Thursday to break up a plot to commit mass murder on an unimaginable scale by blowing up airliners in mid-flight from Britain to the United States.

The aim of the plot was to smuggle bombs in hand luggage and then detonate them aboard the aircraft.

The destination of the targeted flights included cities that were primary tourist attractions, including New York, Washington DC, and Los Angeles.

Airport security was tightened as the national alert level was raised to "critical" from "severe," where it had been since security was relaxed in the weeks after the terrorist bombings in London on July 7 last year.


What a good job! Now skin those bastards alive. That is nothing more than what those scumbags deserve.

These are ordinary, harmless civilians and tourists they are plotting to kill. Imagine one of our loved ones killed in such a fashion. I'd go to the US, volunteer myself in the army, get posted to Afghanistan or some other screwed Middle Eastern country and kill some of those pigs myself, I tell you.

The absolute eradication of terrorists will be good for all of humanity.


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